Block the bad hair days

We all have good and bad days, but when it comes to our hair, we should love it every day. Well let's be honest most of the time when we are experiencing bad hair days it's because we took the day off from styling. No judgment. We all have those days and it's much deserved. However, if your bad hair day has become groundhogs day and you keep reliving the same horrible hairstyle day after day then it's time to take a further look into the problem. The foundation of any good hair day is going to be hair health. What have you been doing to your hair lately? Have you been exposing your hair to more heat (blow-drying, flat ironing, curling) let's not forget the UV/UB rays from the sun. We often hear about how harmful the sun can be to our skin but our hair experiences the same exposure if not more since our heads are in the direct line of fire. We often hear clients say they aren't using a heat protectant because they aren't heat-styling their hair, taking into no consideration the sun. The professional products that we recommend to our clients are meant to protect them from everyday stressors, which include the environment.
Heat protectants do just what they say, they protect your hair from the heat. Giving your hair a force field of protection by sealing your cuticle layer so that heat or toxins don't travel to the inner layer of your hair which will disrupt your color and weaken the individual hair strand.